March 29, 2010

Police Scanners Online

I found Placer County Sheriff's Office radio online. Listen to: Placer County Sheriff here. Roseville PD here. Sacramento County Sheriff and Sacramento PD here.

March 28, 2010

Why I Hate Dogs

Of course, it's called pepper spray.
More here.

March 25, 2010

Nice Uggs Sir

Nice Ugg boots, Sir. They really go well with flannel.
Ugg boots (sometimes called uggs) are a style of unisex sheepskin boots lined with wool on the inside and with a tanned outer surface. ... - Definition in context
Really? Unisex? NO!
Sent from my iPhone

March 23, 2010

Shh, I Like Lady least her music

So, I'm not going to try and hide it anymore: I like Lady Gaga. Sure I only know two songs from a mix CD from a co-worker, but I love them (boy I missed an opportunity to embarrass that co-worker too, when she accidentally posted a video of her singing one of these songs while driving). Anyway, all that to say, Pomplamoose did a Lady Gaga song. Here is Lady "crazy person" Gaga doing another song since the "Telephone" one was NSFW. I actually saw an interview of her with Ellen and Gaga explained her craziness. She actually seemed pretty cool. Wierd. But cool. And she can actually sing. I sure wish I had the blackmail worthy video from the work friend, but I was nice and told her how to delete it.

March 21, 2010


I just saw the movie "Food, Inc." and now I don't ever want to eat food from the grocery store or a fast food restaurant ever again. The first thing I looked up after the movie was locally grown food. I found Placer Grown's website. I now want to boycott so many things. We are all going to die! Go see this movie. Go buy organic. Find local farmers who grow and/or raise their crops and animals, instead of eating "food" from companies that produce, manufacture, or create it in a lab.


Robert Rodriguez does good work, with favorites of mine including Desperado, From Dusk Till Dawn, and Once Upon a Time in Mexico. Now, a classic is being reborn. Predator is now "Predators". The original starred the governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1987. Now we have Laurence Fishburne.
This looks good. Predators

March 19, 2010

The Conclusion of Romans

I've been studying Romans since 11/3/08, and I'm coming to the end today. And what a way to end a letter about God's saving grace than to speak to the greatness of God.

"Now to Him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery that was kept secret for long ages but has now been disclosed and through the prophetic writings has been made known to all nations, according to the command of the eternal God, to bring about the obedience of faith - to the only wise God be glory forevermore through Jesus Christ! Amen."

Now on to another book of the Bible. Any suggestions?

March 17, 2010

It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want To

It's my birthday. I'm 34. Big Freakin' Deal! Also, Happy St. Patrick's Day.

When Jesus Was My Age

It's my birthday. I'm 34 today (I just had a typo and typed 24. Boy do I wish). 34 is one of those ages that don't really matter. I think the whole 30's are like that. Of course, after I type that I realize it's commonly thought that Jesus was around 33 when he....DIED FOR THE SINS OF MANKIND! So maybe these years aren't as meaningless as I think. Maybe the way I'm living them is the problem. Not "maybe", I am the problem. I get in the way of God.

The weird thing is, I'm frustrated with it to no end. I don't want to have a meaningless, sin filled life. I want to be pleasing to God. But for some reason I just keep sinning and getting discouraged and sinning and getting angry with myself and on and on and on. By this point in His life, Jesus Christ had led thousands to God, healed people, rebuked sinners, cleansed the temple, shocked the world, and DIED FOR THE SINS OF MANKIND!

In Romans 16:19 Paul says he wants the people of the Church at Rome "to be wise as to what is good, and innocent as to what is evil." We are not innocent to what is evil. In fact, in the world today, we have so much access to evil it's as easy as pushing the power button on the TV remote. Verse 20 goes on the say, "The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of out Lord Jesus Christ be with you" I think we have to have faith that God will save us...literally save us...from our sin. That is the hope that we need to realize so we are not discouraged by our sin. Sure sin sucks and it should make us angry with ourselves, but to get discouraged is to doubt that God will grant us the grace promised by His Son on the cross.

Praise God for His Son, who in His 30's died for the sins of all mankind.

March 16, 2010

Avoid Them

It was definitely hard to get up this morning; I was close to changing my alarm by 15 minutes. It did help that Ryan, my youngest, woke up and had to be fed. He is drinking a bottle right here next to me.

So, Romans 16:1-23 is mostly a list of people Paul wanted to say "hi" to in Rome. Literally verse 1-16 is listing people to greet. Verse 17 he does warn his brothers to "watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that (they) have been taught." He says to "avoid them." The "causing division" part makes me think right to the split of FBC (and actually there has been more than one split). These type of people "do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive."

I can't help but think that I in some way acted as a naive person, flattered for my talents in music. I think I was blinded to the fact that changes were being made not in love but in arrogance. The fact is, there was not a teaching of the saints the purpose for the changes, but and ultimatum was given to the people. Love would tell me that we should spend time with the people of the church (at least the amount of time it took the "spiritually mature men" to write the changes) teaching and explaining to the church why the leaders believed this was an important and crucial change needing to be made.

I have to wrap this up so I can get ready for work. I will continue next time in verse 19.

God is Good. Praise God for His Love.

March 15, 2010

I Should Be Humble, Loving, and Full of Grace

Romans 15:22-33 is really Paul just telling his friends in Rome that he longs to see them and plans to come visit and stay with them for a while on his way to Spain. As he finishes his letter to them he turns from the teaching portion to the loving friend portion of this letter, letting the church of Rome know he longs to visits them.

The more I look at my life I realize I'm no longer developing friendships with people, which I believe is important because friends listen to and respect each other. This is a place of ministry and sharing of our faith. It's a place where you can be encouraged at the same time as you are encouraging.

I'm still saddened by the foolishness of the FBC split that happened, not because a doctrinal statement wasn't accepted, but because the sin of men and the lack of friendships entered into the process for change. Men against spread rumors about the affects of the changes. Men for it were to proud to take the time to explain the importance of acceptance. There was not a closeness between the leaders and the congregation like Paul had with the church at Rome.

I have too long prided myself on being the "A-hole" who doesn't take crap from anyone and who is always quick to put people in there place. I correct through mocking. I make laugh through ridicule. I am a jerk. These are not the traits of a Christian man, who should instead be humble, loving, and full of grace. Who better to understand grace then a person who has received the grace of God?

Lastly, it's obvious that I haven't been doing my blog, which means I haven't been having my own quiet times in God's word. I'm a mess. The new job is going to be my excuse, but this is so much more important than anything else I do in my life. It's time for me to get up early again and buckle down and read God's word every morning. I hope I will get up tomorrow.

Praise God for His Faithfulness.
Praise God for His Grace.

March 13, 2010

So Much To Say, No Time To Say It - Part 2

There is a new Ford Police Interceptor coming out. It's based on the current Taurus platform and body style. I actually wish I didn't have to buy my Nissan when I did; I'd get a Taurus. There is a conspiracy theory out that GM and the government are behind the Toyota issues. I mean, let's face it, the government gave GM $90,000,000,000.00 of our money. Now there may be evidence that James Sikes, the guy with the Prius that was slowed and stopped by CHP is So Cal, may not be so truthful. SXSW is this week. iPad came out. I still miss Pepsi Natural. I think it was a cruel experiment. It really became my favorite soda. I think they should make it with all natural ingredients (if they did the first time) and sell it in a Whole Foods type store. I think the non-hippie Whole Fooders like me would be all over it. OR give me some "bling" and the recipe, and I'll sell it, market it, and bring it to the world. Pepsi should use their size and power to become the leader in main stream sodas to go all sugar all the time. They should come out as the first company to go all healthier products.

March 11, 2010

Wishing HP "Good Luck" with the New Campaign

HP is launching a new campaign and I think it's funny. I'm wishing them "good luck" with the campaign.

March 9, 2010

So Much To Say, No Time To Say It

Reeds, Inc. may buy out Jones Soda, Inc. LOI submitted. Wish I owned stock. Wish I worked for Mr. Reed.

Coke may be revising and hoping to revitalize Mello Yello.

Wild Cherry Pepsi finally gets the new family design. I need a new car and can't decide what to get.

Here is my research so far. The VW needs a new clutch and about 180,000 less miles.

Dish Network finally has an iPhone app to set timers remotely.

Red Letter Media reviews movies with sarcasm and cussing. Funny stuff.

So much more I've probably forgotten. Need funding to blog all day. Click on the ads. Click. Click.

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