June 22, 2009


I hope you're not like me. But if you are always angry, frustrated, depressed, not satisfied with who you are or where you are in life, maybe it's because you don't read the Bible. Maybe it's because you don't understand God and His character, His calling, His plan for you life because you don't give yourself the opportunity to hear Him speak to you through His Word.

All too often in church today we aren't getting fed by God's word either. More often than not we hear weak messages, taken out of context, by preachers who have no business teaching the Word of God. My church does have a great pastor but the rest of the service is more of a distraction to me than a help. We have a barefoot music leader, concert like music production, 15 minutes of announcements between the music and the teaching, crazy emotional congregation members (with their arms flying up, bouncing, and swaying as though they are trying to feeeeeel God) and there is no other scripture read besides the passage being taught and the occasional reading of a verse or two to introduce a song.

My uncle is a pastor, author, and now radio interviewed man of the Word. He uses a heavy dose of the Bible in his Sunday morning services. They sing scripture, read scripture, study scripture, and pray scripture. He sees the importance and the power that scripture has in our lives and he uses it because there is an affect. It's always amazing how much better I feel after reading my Bible. Peace, joy, relief. God's Word is so powerful and impacting that I'm dumbfounded at how often I don't take the time to read it. I am so foolish. I actually look at this blog as my accountability tool...and as you can see, I'm way off track with my reading.

Check out the interview of my uncle and the short editorial here. Listen to the whole thing, it's encouraging on a personal level. It can be a little discouraging on a church body level. Also, check out my uncle's church.

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