February 28, 2009

February 27, 2009
Slaves to Righteousness
"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." verse 23.
Praise God for the Free Gift of Life through Christ.
February 23, 2009
Ford Flex Taxi

No Longer Enslaved to Sin
This all sounds much simpler than it is though. It is hard to avoid sin. We all do it probably on a daily basis. I think I "obey the passions" of sin because I don't present myself to God daily. Because we are weak, we need to be in constant prayer, study, and devotion to God. We must physically, mentally, and emotionally present ourselves to God every day, even multiple times a day. When temptations are near us, we must run to God. His grace pulled us out of sin and into His presence so we can worship and glorify Him with our lives. 1 Peter 2:9-10 "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Once you were not a people, buy now you are God's people; once you had not received mercy, bot now you have received mercy." How can we not be thankful? Grateful? When I think about what sin God has saved me from, I feel like I should be on my face in worship.
Praise the Holy God for Saving me from my sin.
Praise God for His Son. Praise God for Salvation.
Praise God for His Mercy and Grace.
February 22, 2009
Family Guy Makes Fun of the Zune
Annie's Quick Treat
February 20, 2009
Dead to Sin
Praise God for His Son, the payment for sin.
February 19, 2009
Pepsi with Real Sugar

February 18, 2009
All Men Sin, God's Son Saves and it's Free
Since I'm being serious today I'll say this: DON'T BLAME ADAM FOR YOUR SIN. Every man on earth sins. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) But that isn't the point. "The wages of sin is death, BUT the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23) That's the point. Jesus gave us a free gift. And the final verse of the day Jesus said these words, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God." (John 3:16-18)
Praise God for the Free Gift of Him only Son.
February 16, 2009
Made in China
to use it for. Thought it was funny though.
February 13, 2009
Austrian's Use VW Golf to Move Cows

He Died To Save His Enemies
Romans 5:6-11 tells us about a love for people that is and did go that far. God sent is Son Jesus to die a death to save all of us from eternal death we deserve for wronging Him. We sin against God every day. Even while we know of this salvation we sin against the giver of life. And it is only through the blood Christ shed for us that we are justified, and saved from the wrath of God. Verse 11 "...we also rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation."
Praise God for His Love.
February 12, 2009
Rejoice in Suffering...even cancer?
Romans 5:3-5 says, "...we rejoice in sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us."
I can't sum it up better than what the text says. I can only point to the fact that we need to be rejoicing in suffering. It will make the relationship with our great God so much better. I am encouraged by my brother Jordan. He has a faith in God through this really hard time in his life. His strength encourages me.
Praise God for Jordan.
Praise God for Hope.
February 11, 2009
Crazy Love - Chapter 1, Stop Praying
First, the title of the chapter almost seems wrong because of what it sounds like he's saying. But it was really about stopping and reflecting on what you are praying. Are you praying out your wish list to God? It's time to reflect on God. He created everything from the universe to the bone structure of insects and more. God is great and powerful and amazing. In today's society "we are slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to become angry." This is the opposite of what James 1:19 tells us.
Second, he talked about the fact that we can not make God who and how we want Him to be. He listed some of God's characteristics and that God described Himself as "I Am who I Am." God is holy. God is eternal. God is all-knowing. God is all-powerful. God is fair and just.
I did learn that I'm going to need to highlight as I read, and even take some notes while we talk to do a better review. This week, I'm responsible for being the most prepared with the chapter, in case these to great guys aren't. I don't think I'll anything to worry about but I want to do a good job of being prepared. Overall, chapter one helped me think about the way I pray, and I'm hoping to change my pray habits and style. First, I just need to pray more. Second, I need to pray better.
God is God. I am not. I am hopeless and helpless without Him. I can only hope in Him.
February 10, 2009
The Next Gen iPhone Rumors

1967 Dodge Viper

February 9, 2009
Through Him We Have Grace
We are justified by faith in God and have peace through Jesus Christ. If you don't have peace, like I often don't, it comes from a lack of understanding this truth. Because of faith we have grace. WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. I just re-read that and it actually says, "Through Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God." Two things jumped out at me, "Through Him" and "by faith". "Through Him" points to that fact that it is God who calls us to His grace. And some manuscripts omit "by faith" which may also point to the fact that God's grace has more to do with His calling than it does with our faith.
So what am I saying? I believe, left to my own devices I would not have the faith it takes to be called a child of God. I would fail and live in my sin. I think it could read like this: Through His grace I've been called and He revealed Himself to me so that I may have faith in Him and be justified by that faith.
So I got through verses 1 and 2. Not quite to 11 but there is so much here. Gosh, and I wanted to write about rejoicing in suffering. Yikes. I'm no good at that.
Praise God for His Grace.
Praise God it is Through Him.
February 7, 2009
So Many Jokes, Judgment Won Out
February 6, 2009
Faith Counted to Him as Righeousness
I think it comes down to reading something I wrote seems to make more sense to me then others. I make sense to myself. Maybe it's only to me but that's really what this blogs for. I continued reading the "Crazy Love" book by Francis Chan last night, and I found myself thinking it was an easy read. Simple truths written simply. Most people know I'm not a strong reader. It's definitely a frustration of mine. But this book was written in a style I can handle...at least so far.
This has been a weird introduction to nothing about the book or my joy in writing. I read Romans 4:13-25, titled in my Bible as "The Promise Realized Through Faith." The promise God gave to Abraham that he would be heir of the world was given to Abraham because of his righteous faith in God. The law is impossible to completely obey and follow because of the nature of man, sin. The law brings wrath because man can not obey it. Therefore we are saved through faith so that grace can be realized and God can take all the credit for salvation. Abraham's faith that God could make him the father of the world, even at 100 years old with a barren wife, was counted to him as righteousness.
Why we sin and sin and sin again, I don't understand. The sorrow and misery that comes from sinning is no good. But we still do it. And without the salvation of God, we would be hopelessly seeking joy through sin. Only God can give us hope and joy and peace in life. The faith we need to have in Him provides the understanding we seek in otherwise foolish things. Knowing Christ is our Savior, frees us from the bonds of our sin. Working to make Him the Lord of our lives also is our life's mission.
Praise God for His Grace.
February 5, 2009
Crazy Love by Francis Chan
Righteousness Had by Faith
I'm not going to stress myself out with trying to write a long explanation of the text I read. I really just want to get back to reading.
February 4, 2009
The Gift of Grace by Faith, Not Earned, Not Deserved
Stuart reminded me that my salvation is not based on anything I've done, anything I've earned, anything I deserve. God saved me from my sin despite myself. And, what really hit my heart was when he reminded me God sees me through Christ's blood. I am not seen as a sinner anymore. Even though my sin is wrong and I need to turn from it and flee, God has forgiven me of my sins. Salvation is not based on the number of sins verses the number of good things I do. Salvation is not based on the quality of my life or weather or not I live a "good" life. My salvation comes from God, the gift he gave by faith in Him when He called me as His own.
And now I read Romans 4:1-8. Abraham was not justified by his works but by his faith. "Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness." Verses 7 and 8 are a quote of Psalms 32:1,2. "Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgive, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man against whom the Lord will not count his sin."
Why does it take so much to get our attention? Why do we make it so hard to pray and read the word of God? Why do we not long to keep our relationship strong with God? In the study I'm doing with my wife, last nights lesson was on prayer and its importance in keeping the communication going with God. It said, "Relationships, whether human or divine, must be cultivated and maintained if they are to be vibrant and meaningful." We have to spend time every day with our loving Master. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 "pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. This is God's will for you (me).
One more text. Stuart texted this to me yesterday after our breakfast meeting. Psalm 69:1-2, 14-15. Mire=crap. "Save me, O God! For the waters have come up to my neck. I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me." "Deliver me from sinking in the mire; let me be delivered from my enemies and from the deep waters. Let not the flood sweep over me, or the deep swallow me up, or the the pit close its mouth over me."
Praise God for His Word. It is powerful and alive.
Praise God for His People. They have the power to encourage and guide and point others to Christ.
Praise God for His Grace. It is an unearned, undeserved gift.
February 1, 2009
MacGruber and Pepsi
Superbowl #43-break 25
Superbowl #43-break 24
Superbowl #43-break 21
Superbowl #43-break 19
Wow. Weak break.
Superbowl #43-break 16
HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY: my son just sat on my lap for a couple of
minutes watching "fooba."
Refs don't seem altogether with it. Roughing (or "Rpighing" as the
iphone decided) the passer? A little weak there ref.
Another pepsi and a dr. Pepper are now weighing heavily on my blatter.
Transformers: looks good.
Too far career builders.
Heroes: can't wait.
Superbowl #43-break 15
Budweiser with the horse really didn't do it for me.
The race to witch mountain: movie looks good.
The office is an hour tonight. Did he say jessica alba? Awesome.
Superbowl #43-break 14
Coke is stupid.
Jump. Jump around. Nice Bridgestone.
*********Dennys free grand slam on Tuesday.**********
Superbowl #43-break 13
Holy crap. Fat guy is going to die but he scored in the superbowl. Oh
know a replay. Wait for it. Wait for it. 100 yards by a linebacker.
Touchdown by fatty.
I was getting worried about my earlier prediction that that the
steelers are going to win...for a minute. Tjen that happened.
Why 3D?
Nextel: roadies run the world. That'd be good.
Heroes: yippie!!
Fast forward halftime show. Done. No Bruce.
Tundra: not an F-150
Priceline: no
Overstock: no
LMAO: funny.
What's with the milk, fiber, and local news stuff?
And back to the game.
Superbowl #43-break 12
Cheetos: silly.
Superbowl #43-break 11
Teleflora is just mean. LOL.
Is leno doing a car show? That would be awesome.
Superbowl #43-break 10
I'm not down with Up: the movie. .
Bruce is old.
Superbowl #43-break 9
Not in the one in the house. It made its way to the green tray outside.
One of the kids? No. My wife threw it out with the celery and produce
bags after making veggie dip.
During this time, I may have lost track of re breaks. I think I'm
still on but I'm not sure.
Apparently Fitzgerald is sucking it up.
If it sounds like Sunday, spell it "Hunday" then people will get it
Superbowl #43-break 8
Haha. Tight end. That's a funny position.
Touchdown carinals. Tons of time for kurt leads to a chance and good.
Let's talk more about the fact that kurt was a grocer.
What G?
Boo cars.com
Heroes yeah!
Superbowl #43-break 6
Pepsi max: ouch. That was good. Men can take anything except diet
soda. I'll try pepsi max.
Can't wait for Heroes. Good good tv.
Superbowl #43-break 5
Oh boy Will Farrell is lame.
Doritos. Lame.
Go daddy. Seen it. Been on the nerd blogs for a few weeks.
Superbowl #43-break 4
Spent 30 full minutes trying to find my wife cell phone. Must be on
vibrate 'cause calling it is not working.
Steelers look strong.
4 pepsis since 1:30
End of first Q.
Mr potato head commercial.
Fast and furious: looks good.
Why is that guy making out with a monkey?
Superbowl #43-break 3
When you have 20 to go, why not throw the ball? Oh that was a
horrible throw. Maybe that's why.
Bud Light: Conan
Year One: movie looks good.
Jury still out on the Venza.
Superbowl #43-Commercial Break #1
Bud light: guy thrown out of window.
A6: looks soooooooo awesome.
Superbowl Good Commercial-Live Blog
commercials I enjoy.
Trailers to Watch for During the Superbowl
Flash Coming to iPhone