Well, the next section of Romans (14:13-23) is a little hard for me right now. It seems like it makes everything okay, as long as you think it is. I can't figure out if it's talk only about food or if it's talking about other things too. I'm going to have to break it down a little.
Paul says in verse 14 that he is "persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself, but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean." This is where I get confused. In context I assume he is talking about food or drink, but it's been translated in my Bible as "nothing is unclean". The next verse goes back to causing a brother to stumble because of something you eat. If you do "grieve" a brother by something you eat, you are not walking in love. And I'm learning more and more that love is really, REALLY important for a Christian. It's the root of our salvation. It is the the example Christ's life on earth left us. It is what we were given in abundance from God, so undeserved, by the death of Jesus.
Okay, so there are the first few verses. More next time. I wish I could just stay home and write. Work is lame.
December 30, 2009
December 21, 2009
Christmas 2010 is Here
Christmas is this week and I haven't been updating my blog with Christmas music. Booo!!!
So here is a great new song from Pomplamoose. Yes, I love them. They are so talented. I'm jealous.
Merry Christmas
Pepsi and Mountain Dew Throwback Return
They are not due out until December 28, 2009, but Tech-Guy-Ted found Pepsi and Mountain Dew Throwback at the Safeway in Lincoln, CA. I am so excited. We bought all the Pepsi Throwback and two 12-packs each of the Mountain Dew Throwback. I'm so pumped they're back.
December 16, 2009
Every Knee Shall Bow to Me, says the Lord (God is the Judge, not Us)
Christians have many different opinions on different topics such as what you can eat or drink, whether certain days of the week are more important or "holy" than others, or what music styles are good and bad. But Romans 14:1-12 tells us not to judge one another regarding our levels of faith. If one doesn't eat or drink certain things because he doesn't think it is spiritually okay, another who has stronger faith should not pass judgment or argue with the one who has weaker faith. We will all be judged by our holy God. And if we are all living for God and not ourselves, our level of faith is not going to be a factor in our salvation. We will all glorify God.
This is again rushed because my son woke up and I didn't get to finish my thought before work. Christ died for all and is Lord over all things. We will all face judgment from the Holy God for what we do and don't do. For now, all who believe need to uplift each other and encourage each other to live lives that are glorifying to God. Whether at work, home, church or play, we must all live to by the faith God has given us, and strive to bring glory to Him.
Praise God for His Faithfulness to us.
This is again rushed because my son woke up and I didn't get to finish my thought before work. Christ died for all and is Lord over all things. We will all face judgment from the Holy God for what we do and don't do. For now, all who believe need to uplift each other and encourage each other to live lives that are glorifying to God. Whether at work, home, church or play, we must all live to by the faith God has given us, and strive to bring glory to Him.
Praise God for His Faithfulness to us.
December 13, 2009
Reed's Inc. A Healthy (and Delicious) Soda Company
See my first post about Reed's here.
Reed's Ginger Brew, Virgil's Root Beer, and China Soda are the 3 main lines of premium soda's from a not so little soda company called Reed's Inc. Reed's sells these brewed sodas in health food stores, like Whole Foods, and in the big chains that carry healthier or premium sodas. I discovered Reed's after enjoying a Virgil's Root Beer. I enjoyed it so much that I looked further into the beverage's maker and discovered other gourmet beverages.
December 11, 2009
The Christian Walk is a Battle
I'll start chapter 14 next time, but I want to say a few words about this thing we call the "Christian walk." The older I get, the more "real world" experiences I have, and the more responsibilities that are on my shoulders all point me to the fact that there are a lot of things in our lives that pull us away from God. And they pull with a lot of force. To combat this force we need to be in constant communication with God through prayer, studying of His word, and even involvement with other Christians. "Christian walk" makes it sound too much like a leisurely stroll through the park. It's more of our daily battle. We must constantly fight to avoid sin. Although salvation does not come from good works, we believers must live to glorify God. We have a responsibility to live lives that are good and holy and honest. We are to put off the old self and put on the new self. We are to live as though we are the temple of God. God dwells in us who are believers and we must live as though that is true in our own lives.
Praise God by Glorifying Him Today.
Praise God by Glorifying Him Today.
December 9, 2009
30 Rock's HD Camera Gag...So Funny
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time; this hi-def camera gag on 30 Rock almost made me pee my pants. I cried laughing.
And now that I've built it up too much, enjoy.
I love the fact that Alec is younger and more handsome. This show is so great.
God Answers Prayers
Without going into a lot of detail that I don't really want public, God answered a prayer today. There is a lot of human stress in my life right now, to the point where I'm wondering what day the heart attack is going to come, and I've been weak in my prayer time about it. I finally cried out to God yesterday about one part of it and today I found out He answered that prayer. Now, I do believe God hears and answers every prayer, but sometimes it's not the answer we want so it doesn't feel like God is listening or answering. Faith is often a difficult thing.
The amount of stress I feel lifted today is huge. I wish I could feel like this more often. I wish my faith was stronger. And as I type that I get scared that God is going to continue more trials and more stressful things to see test me in that. Although He does not tempted us to sin, He does test us. To be clear on this I will quote James 1:12-13, which says, "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him. Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and He Himself tempts no one."
God is Good. Praise God for His Steadfast Love.
The amount of stress I feel lifted today is huge. I wish I could feel like this more often. I wish my faith was stronger. And as I type that I get scared that God is going to continue more trials and more stressful things to see test me in that. Although He does not tempted us to sin, He does test us. To be clear on this I will quote James 1:12-13, which says, "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him. Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by God," for God cannot be tempted with evil, and He Himself tempts no one."
God is Good. Praise God for His Steadfast Love.
December 8, 2009
The Time Is Now, Live in the Light
Well, Breakfast was canceled because of the weather. I guess Auburn is white and covered in ice. I'm a little disappointed, except I didn't have to wake up at 5:20am.
I had a day of extreme frustration yesterday. I feel like I'm going to give myself a heart attack. So many frustrating and annoying things go on at my work. There is extreme micromanaging from the upper management, so much so that I spend a great deal of my time wasting time with checklists, scheduling programs, and other things that don't earn us business. Beyond that, there are so many things the company could be doing to save time and money, but I don't have a way to suggest it or implement it. (Hold on, the cutest kid in the world just woke up and I have to say good morning).
Caleb is potty training so I had to take him to the bathroom. These are not fun times, but he's doing well. Dry diaper.
Romans 13:11-14 is the wake up passage of the day. "The hour has come for you to wake from sleep." We need to cast off works of darkness and put on the armor of light. This means we need to stay away from the things that lead us into sin. Verse 13 says, "Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy." Although we don't all deal with everything on this list, here in the USA we know that sexual freedoms in society make it okay for people to allow there passions and desires rule. Sex is the center of a lot of our nations problems. There is now no reason to even get married, because people just have sex with any one at anytime.
We Christians need to be a light in this dark world. It is time now for us to be a shining spot in the darkness. Take pride in restraining from sexual immorality. Even things like jokes and inappropriate comments should be refrained from, as these things are only a sign of acceptance of this behavior.
Times up, dang it.
Praise God today. Praise God for Salvation.
I had a day of extreme frustration yesterday. I feel like I'm going to give myself a heart attack. So many frustrating and annoying things go on at my work. There is extreme micromanaging from the upper management, so much so that I spend a great deal of my time wasting time with checklists, scheduling programs, and other things that don't earn us business. Beyond that, there are so many things the company could be doing to save time and money, but I don't have a way to suggest it or implement it. (Hold on, the cutest kid in the world just woke up and I have to say good morning).
Caleb is potty training so I had to take him to the bathroom. These are not fun times, but he's doing well. Dry diaper.
Romans 13:11-14 is the wake up passage of the day. "The hour has come for you to wake from sleep." We need to cast off works of darkness and put on the armor of light. This means we need to stay away from the things that lead us into sin. Verse 13 says, "Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy." Although we don't all deal with everything on this list, here in the USA we know that sexual freedoms in society make it okay for people to allow there passions and desires rule. Sex is the center of a lot of our nations problems. There is now no reason to even get married, because people just have sex with any one at anytime.
We Christians need to be a light in this dark world. It is time now for us to be a shining spot in the darkness. Take pride in restraining from sexual immorality. Even things like jokes and inappropriate comments should be refrained from, as these things are only a sign of acceptance of this behavior.
Times up, dang it.
Praise God today. Praise God for Salvation.
December 7, 2009
The World is Vying For Our Attention, Pay Attention to God
Well, it's been some time since I last updated and that's not good. I've been using my kids as an excuse in my head; we've been experiencing sleeping problems. But yesterday at church, my pastor said something about filling our heads with the things of God instead of the things of the world. He said the world in vying for our attention and we need to force ourselves to focus on God. What better way to do that then to read God's word?
And the passage I read today is a perfect reminder of NOW being the time to focus on God. But I did get up too late to write. See you Wednesday (Tuesday is my breakfast with the guys day). Keep your fingers crossed.
And the passage I read today is a perfect reminder of NOW being the time to focus on God. But I did get up too late to write. See you Wednesday (Tuesday is my breakfast with the guys day). Keep your fingers crossed.
December 2, 2009
Steven Seagal Lawman
It starts tonight people. Steven Seagal Lawman on A&E at 11:00.
Sent from my iPhone
November 30, 2009
November 29, 2009
The Star Trek A-Team
Thanks to the Facebook of Veronica Belmont, a female geek that all the geeks are in love with because she knows about what geeks know about and she's fairly attractive, I have a video mash-up of two things I find entertaining; Star Trek and the A-Team.
Enjoy the video.
November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Remember back to a simpler time, a happier time, a goofier time....back when Adam Sandler was funny and Kevin Nealon was sort of funny.
Then be thankful for something like the Internet, that can bring back these memories of good times.
November 23, 2009
R8 vs ZR1
Watch it while it's still up.
Clarkson is so fun to watch. And the Stig is a great driver.
Ladder Fail
Fail Blog is great. This is an infomercial fail...painful to the chin.
November 21, 2009
Reed's Inc. A Healthy Soda Company
BevReview.com may allow me to write a review for their site. In preparing for this review, I looked at the company that makes Vigil's Root Beer and China Soda, two of the sodas I am planning to review here. Reed's, Inc. is the maker of both these sodas and another beverage called Reed's Ginger Brew. The Ginger Brew is Reed's signature soda. It's a ginger ale made with real ginger and other all natural ingredients they brew (similar to beer) into this healthier ale. Reed's claims to be the "Coke" of health food stores, being the largest nature/premium soda seller. Their similarity to Coca-Cola ends there. Their Ginger Brew is made one brewed batch at a time and they use no chemicals in making their products. With real ginger root, Reed's boast of health benefits from drinking their brews. Ginger has been tied to digestive health and can be used as a motion sickness aid. The first time I went on an ocean cruise I took ginger tablets to help with motion sickness. There were no bad side effects from the ginger. If I had taken medicine, I may have suffered from drowsiness.
Virgil's Root Beer was purchased by Reed's, Inc in 2000. Virgil's followed the same philosophy of soda making as Reed's, being made with all natural ingredients, being brewed like old fashioned sodas (claiming to be the only brewed Root Beer), and boasting of health benefits.
China Soda is heralded as the #1 selling cola in health food stores. Just as Virgil's Root Beer and Reed's Ginger Brew offer a natural and healthy choice in soda consumption, China Soda takes the classic cola taste and adds Chinese herbal knowledge and ingredients to make this cola a natural way to balance the body's "imbalances" commonly found today. It naturally increases the energy level of its consumer.
Here is a video from the History Channel's Modern Marvels. I love this show, and I wish I had this full episode. Enjoy.
November 16, 2009
The CHP Attempt to Entrap at Sac Auto Show
Here is my favorite part of the 2009 Sacramento Auto Show: The CHP booth had the above pill box as a give-a-way. I immediately asked the officer working the booth if this could be considered entrapment. She said something about Aleve. So I asked her about prescrition meds. She ignored my comments. She didn't even respond after that. See, in California there is a law, 4060 B&P, stating it is illegal to possess prescription medications without a prescription. The meds should stay in the prescription bottle, which shows the person they are prescribed to, the prescriber, and the correct dosage information. If prescription meds are found in one of these "daily pill organizers" and there is no sign of a prescription bottle anywhere, law enforcement can use that as evidence of no prescription, and they may arrest the person holding this sort of pill container, sighting 4060 B&P.
Tricky CHiPs.
All Commandments Can Be Summed Up By Love
"...for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law." I thought I'd be able to review Romans 13:8-10 and have a lot to say, but the simple truth of that first quote sums it up so nicely. If we love others, we fulfill the law. You don't go lie, cheat, steal, hurt, or kill someone you love. If you love others, you fulfill the commandments. If you love others, you will stop sinning. Love, love, love.
And then there is the reality of my own life. There is barely love for the ones I claim to love. I am so unloving. I often have to question my own salvation because I am not a person who loves others. Sometimes I tell myself I am, because I'll feel bad for someone in need or pain, but that's not the love that counts here. This love is contrasted against the commandments against adultery, murder, stealing, and coveting. We need to love in the hard situations. We need to love the unlovable.
Praise God for His Love.
And then there is the reality of my own life. There is barely love for the ones I claim to love. I am so unloving. I often have to question my own salvation because I am not a person who loves others. Sometimes I tell myself I am, because I'll feel bad for someone in need or pain, but that's not the love that counts here. This love is contrasted against the commandments against adultery, murder, stealing, and coveting. We need to love in the hard situations. We need to love the unlovable.
Praise God for His Love.
November 15, 2009
2009 Sac Auto Show Last Live Blog
The new Taurus has a massive trunk. The Can-Am 3-wheeler was neat but
started at $16k. And the new Nissan Altima is really just the same
Altima with a nose job.
started at $16k. And the new Nissan Altima is really just the same
Altima with a nose job.
2009 Sac Auto Show Continued Again
Test drove the new Ford Taurus SHO and the Fiesta. The Fiesta was
actually the drive of the show. So much fun. The Dodge Callenger
dressed up as a cop car. And the new Toyota 4Runner is pretty sweet too.
actually the drive of the show. So much fun. The Dodge Callenger
dressed up as a cop car. And the new Toyota 4Runner is pretty sweet too.
Sac Auto Show Continues
We both drove the V8 Camaro. We both signed up to test drive a Ford
Taurus and get a $50 gift card. We both got free t-shirts from Ford.
And now we are going to drive some Fords.
Taurus and get a $50 gift card. We both got free t-shirts from Ford.
And now we are going to drive some Fords.
2009 Sac Auto Show
Ted and I are enjoying the Sac Auto Show. Are are our first pictures.
Ted is about to drive this yellow V8 Camaro.
Ted is about to drive this yellow V8 Camaro.
November 14, 2009
Beverage Reviews Ahead
China Cola, Oogavé Watermelon Cream and Rootbeer, and Jones Root Beer and Orange and Cream.
I can't wait to try them all. I should ask the guy at bevreview.com for a job.
When Baked Cops Call 911
This is an old clip but Fail Blog had it as their "Friday Rewind" clip, so enjoy.
Note the time of my post. 4:20, sweeeeet Dude!
November 13, 2009
Want to Drive Your Car with Your iPhone? There's an App for That
Nerds can do anything.
November 12, 2009
Submit To The Authorities
Romans 13:1-7 is a little confusing, especially after last nights Facebook discussion about whether or not Obama is "an idiot" or not. Although those weren't my words for him, I think we are headed toward socialism with Obama. But before I go any further, back to the passage at hand. "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God..."
God places whomever He wants into the positions of authority. This is a little confusing for me because of bad people like Saddam Hussein. But I think the United States took care of him. I think there are bad people who become rulers but God has placed those people in those roles for a reason. I think we can look at the USA as a leader in the world and we took care of one that was not doing "good." We, as citizens, are called to do good and we will "receive approval" from the authority.
But this is still a confusing passage, because of people like Saddam and others. Then I read verse 7. "Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes...revenue...respect...honor..." When I saw the word respect in there, I instantly thought of the person at my last job who was the main instrument in my release. He was an arrogant, foolish man, in my opinion, but until this moment, I didn't realize my complete disrespect for him. He did get himself to the position of authority he was in, where God placed him in my life. I think all would have been right with me if I had respected his authority. I thought I'd be "butt kissing" but really it was my own arrogance that stopped me from listening to his opinion and learning from it.
We each have a place in this world and a role to fulfill. DON'T think yours is something grand and important. It may be the position of the butt kisser, the respectful obedient follower. Follow the law, respect and honor those who should be, be a good citizen.
Praise God the Ultimate Authority.
God places whomever He wants into the positions of authority. This is a little confusing for me because of bad people like Saddam Hussein. But I think the United States took care of him. I think there are bad people who become rulers but God has placed those people in those roles for a reason. I think we can look at the USA as a leader in the world and we took care of one that was not doing "good." We, as citizens, are called to do good and we will "receive approval" from the authority.
But this is still a confusing passage, because of people like Saddam and others. Then I read verse 7. "Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes...revenue...respect...honor..." When I saw the word respect in there, I instantly thought of the person at my last job who was the main instrument in my release. He was an arrogant, foolish man, in my opinion, but until this moment, I didn't realize my complete disrespect for him. He did get himself to the position of authority he was in, where God placed him in my life. I think all would have been right with me if I had respected his authority. I thought I'd be "butt kissing" but really it was my own arrogance that stopped me from listening to his opinion and learning from it.
We each have a place in this world and a role to fulfill. DON'T think yours is something grand and important. It may be the position of the butt kisser, the respectful obedient follower. Follow the law, respect and honor those who should be, be a good citizen.
Praise God the Ultimate Authority.
November 11, 2009
Apple's Facebook Shows iPhone Fault
So Apple's own iTunes Facebook page shows that Apple NEEDS Flash on the iPhone. Whatever Adobe's and Apple's beef is about, Apple needs to get over. The iPhone is so limited because of its lack if Flash. I can't believe they haven't been sued over the claim that the full Internet is on the phone. Too many sites use Flash to say the full Internet is on this phone. It's better than the rest, but it still has a long way to go to be able to offer the full Internet. Step 1: ADD FLASH!!
November 7, 2009
Call 911 If You DUI
Don't drink and drive. But if you do, call 911 to report your DUI. Mary did.
November 6, 2009
Bless Those Who Persecute You
This section of Romans 12 from verse 9-21 has been all about the "marks of the true Christian", as titled in my Bible. Today I'm going to continue with verse 14-21 to finish this section and chapter 12. For me, I have to completely do a 180.
First in verse 14 it says, "Bless those who persecute you...do NOT curse them." So hard. When someone wrongs me, I feel so angry. I have to get them back so I don't look like a fool. But this is the wrong direction according to God's Word. Verse 19 needs to ring out in this time. "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord." If some sort of vengeance is deserved and God decides to exact His vengeance, how much greater will the vengeance of God be than that of me, a mere humans? But we are called to not only resist our desire for revenge, we are called to bless and care for our enemies. Verse 16 says, "Live in harmony with one another..." Verse 17 says, "Repay NO one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all." Verse 19 says, "...never avenge yourselves."
We are to do the opposite of what we think is just. Verse 20 tell us to feed our enemies if they are hungry, give them a drink if they are thirsty. We are not to be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. So hard. So hard. But it is possible, because God's Word tells us to do it. We must be in constant prayer over this. We must rely on the strength that comes from God alone. Remember your sins have been forgiven. Remember the wrongs we have done against the almighty God, who is perfect and good. We wronged a loving God who should not be our enemy. He is the enemy of sin and the Savior of souls.
Praise God for His Grace and Mercy.
First in verse 14 it says, "Bless those who persecute you...do NOT curse them." So hard. When someone wrongs me, I feel so angry. I have to get them back so I don't look like a fool. But this is the wrong direction according to God's Word. Verse 19 needs to ring out in this time. "Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord." If some sort of vengeance is deserved and God decides to exact His vengeance, how much greater will the vengeance of God be than that of me, a mere humans? But we are called to not only resist our desire for revenge, we are called to bless and care for our enemies. Verse 16 says, "Live in harmony with one another..." Verse 17 says, "Repay NO one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all." Verse 19 says, "...never avenge yourselves."
We are to do the opposite of what we think is just. Verse 20 tell us to feed our enemies if they are hungry, give them a drink if they are thirsty. We are not to be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. So hard. So hard. But it is possible, because God's Word tells us to do it. We must be in constant prayer over this. We must rely on the strength that comes from God alone. Remember your sins have been forgiven. Remember the wrongs we have done against the almighty God, who is perfect and good. We wronged a loving God who should not be our enemy. He is the enemy of sin and the Savior of souls.
Praise God for His Grace and Mercy.
November 5, 2009
Romans 12:10-13. First the easier stuff. Verse 13b seek to show hospitality. DONE!
Now the rest. We need to be serving the Lord with a fervent spirit and with zeal. We need to be rejoicing in the hope we have as the children of God. We need to be PATIENT in tribulation. And we need to be in constant prayer. FAIL!
All these things work together too. And all these fails are why I feel like I'm in a deeper pit of failure than before. If I rejoice in the grace that God has given me, and in the hope of heaven and eternity with Him, and if I am in constant prayer to my Creator and Savior, all the struggles of daily life will fade, patience will be provided in tribulation. I believe my struggles would not be so frustrating and difficult if I was leaning on God and trusting Him in the first place. I think He is faithful to me and is constantly trying to draw me back to Himself. Oh what a fool I am.
Praise God for His Faithfulness.
Praise God for the Hope we have in Him.
Now the rest. We need to be serving the Lord with a fervent spirit and with zeal. We need to be rejoicing in the hope we have as the children of God. We need to be PATIENT in tribulation. And we need to be in constant prayer. FAIL!
All these things work together too. And all these fails are why I feel like I'm in a deeper pit of failure than before. If I rejoice in the grace that God has given me, and in the hope of heaven and eternity with Him, and if I am in constant prayer to my Creator and Savior, all the struggles of daily life will fade, patience will be provided in tribulation. I believe my struggles would not be so frustrating and difficult if I was leaning on God and trusting Him in the first place. I think He is faithful to me and is constantly trying to draw me back to Himself. Oh what a fool I am.
Praise God for His Faithfulness.
Praise God for the Hope we have in Him.
November 4, 2009
This doesn't even come out until summer 2010, but "Salt" looks really good.
A Breakfast Break
On Tuesdays I've been meeting with Stuart and Jordan for breakfast and a time to encourage each other. And it is an encouraging time for me. We pray for each other and give each other advice from God's Word. We also have studied things together in the past, like the book "Crazy Love."
I'm a little late today, but I wanted to enter something. My advice today is to always have a group of people you can meet with on a regular basis as an accountability team. Find people that are spiritually mature and know the Bible. Oh, and they need to be the same gender.
Praise God in Patience today.
I'm a little late today, but I wanted to enter something. My advice today is to always have a group of people you can meet with on a regular basis as an accountability team. Find people that are spiritually mature and know the Bible. Oh, and they need to be the same gender.
Praise God in Patience today.
November 2, 2009
Let Your Love be Genuine
Romans is a hard book for a struggling Christian. It's a deep book of truths about God and salvation and how we are to live as Christians. Romans 12:9-21 are all about "Marks of the True Christian", as my Bible titles it. And it is stuff that is not easy to hear.
Verse 9 and 10 are all I'm going to cover today. "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." Why do I always fail? I don't love. In fact, people "joke" about my lack of love of others. I'm know as someone who hates things, is annoyed by people, and generally is negative most of the time. I'm not loving. This is so hard for me. I think I can read other people's genuine attitudes in a giving situation; and when others are not genuine or honest with me or a particular event, I get angry and frustrated with them. Or if someone is not paying enough attention to what's going on, when something serious happens and they are shocked, I'm annoyed they weren't prepared. I feel like people are usually not lovable.
BUT, God loves people. "For God so loved the world, He gave his only son..." John 3:16. Even the guy at the baseball game in the outfield, or the one in the end zone at the football game, is trying to tell people that the God of the universe loves people. And now we are called to love people too, right here in Romans.
Let me take this in a different direction. I love music. I love playing the piano and singing. I loved leading worship and First Baptist in Auburn. I loved everything about it. I would say, the job of a music pastor at a church would be my dream job. Except a huge part of being a pastor is loving people. And that love spreads to so many other aspects of the job. Just getting up on the stage and leading people in music worship is not the extent of the job. It takes genuine love.
Praise God Today by Loving Others.
Verse 9 and 10 are all I'm going to cover today. "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." Why do I always fail? I don't love. In fact, people "joke" about my lack of love of others. I'm know as someone who hates things, is annoyed by people, and generally is negative most of the time. I'm not loving. This is so hard for me. I think I can read other people's genuine attitudes in a giving situation; and when others are not genuine or honest with me or a particular event, I get angry and frustrated with them. Or if someone is not paying enough attention to what's going on, when something serious happens and they are shocked, I'm annoyed they weren't prepared. I feel like people are usually not lovable.
BUT, God loves people. "For God so loved the world, He gave his only son..." John 3:16. Even the guy at the baseball game in the outfield, or the one in the end zone at the football game, is trying to tell people that the God of the universe loves people. And now we are called to love people too, right here in Romans.
Let me take this in a different direction. I love music. I love playing the piano and singing. I loved leading worship and First Baptist in Auburn. I loved everything about it. I would say, the job of a music pastor at a church would be my dream job. Except a huge part of being a pastor is loving people. And that love spreads to so many other aspects of the job. Just getting up on the stage and leading people in music worship is not the extent of the job. It takes genuine love.
Praise God Today by Loving Others.
November 1, 2009
Getting Ready To Make the Switch
Apple and the iPhone are starting to be so frustrating. Apple is too exclusive and arrogant about what they will and won't allow on the iPhone. It's too locked down. The Google Android phone is open source, is on multiple phones, and has free stuff; free stuff like a Navigation Program.
The Android phone also has the stuff we want from Google, that Apple keeps blocking. Voice recognition, location software, navigation, Google docs, and more. There are apps and more too.
I don't know enough yet about the phone, which is why the title is "Getting Ready to Make the Switch" not "Making the Switch", but with Apple doing things the way they are, and the way they always do, I'm being pushed to boycott. (Other Apple-ism, the new iMac and it's 2 different functioning mini DVI ports on the 2 models. The 27" allows input, while the 21.5" doesn't. And the glossy finish on the screens is not great. Even in Apple's own stores, the glossy finish makes it hard to see the screen. Where's the mat option? How about the iPod Touch? You have to pay $10 every time they update the software. Stupid.)
I will admit the iPhone is the greatest phone ever, but there are a lot of things that could be done better. Maybe someone will create the hardware to match the great work Google has done on the software of Android. It will be hard to match or beat the beauty of the iPhone. I was hopeful Motorola would do it with the "Droid", but first pictures aren't looking good. Someone needs to build a phone with a high quality, high resolution screen, and other quality materials and design.
People Without Skills Shouldn't Own Cars with HP
This guy is the anti-Ken Block. People without driving skills shouldn't be allowed to own cars with horsepower. This guy looks like a jerk.
October 31, 2009
I May Have a Man Crush on Ken Block
I can't get enough of Ken Block's driving skills. He is amazing.
October 29, 2009
Own Your Spiritual Gift
So gifts are an interesting topic, since a lot of people confuse talents with gifts. I play piano a little; is that a gift? No. There are other places in the Bible that talk about gifts but Romans 12:6-8 list some that Paul wants us to realize are gifts that are to be used for the body of believers. Again, the body is made up of different parts with different purposes. And so are we as Christians all part of one body in Christ. We all have different gifts to serve the body according to God's grace.
"if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness."
Each gift has instructions that follow. Basically we need to own our gift, using it fully to the extent that God has designed. Figure out what your gift is and use it. I think service is a huge one where many of us can find ways to be involved. I often wish I was rich so I could be the "one who contributes." But there are other things besides money that can be given with generosity. We need to look at this list and work out what we can do to fulfill our duty as part of the body.
Praise God for the Gifts He's Given Us.
"if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness."
Each gift has instructions that follow. Basically we need to own our gift, using it fully to the extent that God has designed. Figure out what your gift is and use it. I think service is a huge one where many of us can find ways to be involved. I often wish I was rich so I could be the "one who contributes." But there are other things besides money that can be given with generosity. We need to look at this list and work out what we can do to fulfill our duty as part of the body.
Praise God for the Gifts He's Given Us.
October 28, 2009
We Are Memebers of One Body
Is a foot as important as an eye? Or is the hand more important than the ear? What part are you in the body of Christ? Are you super important? Do you often think of yourself as such? Too often, I think we do. I willing to bet most of us are toe nails, but ingrown toe nails. Sure we have a purpose, but too often we are hurting the body of Christ more than benefiting and protecting it.
It is so hard to be a Christian. I think a lot of us play the part on Sunday, but in our daily living among the world and non-Christians we are no different. And if you don't agree, PLEASE write comments on how you have success in this. I need help. I know the biblical answers is to listen to the Holy Spirit and to study God's word, but I'm crying out to God for help on a consistent basis and I feel like I fail every day. I am too often that ingrown toenail to the Christian body.
Romans 12:3-5 tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to. We are all members of one body with different functions. Each of us needs to preform our functions to the best of our abilities. I know I'm not. Tomorrow I will write about some of the different gifts listed in verses 6-8.
Praise God for His Patience.
Praise God for His Faithfulness.
It is so hard to be a Christian. I think a lot of us play the part on Sunday, but in our daily living among the world and non-Christians we are no different. And if you don't agree, PLEASE write comments on how you have success in this. I need help. I know the biblical answers is to listen to the Holy Spirit and to study God's word, but I'm crying out to God for help on a consistent basis and I feel like I fail every day. I am too often that ingrown toenail to the Christian body.
Romans 12:3-5 tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to. We are all members of one body with different functions. Each of us needs to preform our functions to the best of our abilities. I know I'm not. Tomorrow I will write about some of the different gifts listed in verses 6-8.
Praise God for His Patience.
Praise God for His Faithfulness.
October 27, 2009
MS Windows 7 Launched on Today Show...with a big Oops!
So, Microsoft introduced Windows 7 on NBC's Today show a few days ago. Two funny things: First, the graphic of the Windows 7 logo in the background is overlaid on an Apple MacBook Pro. Second, Matt Lauer (a moron in his own right) talked about how Apple seems to be considered the "cool" company. Great launch info Matt. I can only imagine what Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's CEO, was thinking as Matt was saying that.
At the end Matt added, "By the way, we should mention Microsoft is part owner in MSNBC...important to get that out." So is he saying they are biased by Microsoft? Why is that important to get out? Again, Matt is a moron, just like the graphics guy for the Today Show.
Found on CrunchGear.
I just found these too:
The Japan Launch?
Windows 98 Launch? "Hey Bill."
An Explanation:
October 26, 2009
More Tomorrow
Today, I read too late to spend quality time writing my explanation of the next section. Romans 12:4-8 talks about the fact that the church is like a body with all the members making up the different parts of the body. It also talks about the gifts that we have as members. We all need to be using these gifts.
More tomorrow.
Praise God for another day to service and glorify Him.
More tomorrow.
Praise God for another day to service and glorify Him.
October 25, 2009
Girls Are Evil. Here's Proof.
I originally posted this a long time ago, but my blog was not mature enough to leave it up. Here we go:
Girls are evil. This is proof, mathematical proof. And math transcends language, culture, and even species. It's Science.

Esteban's Rootbeer by Oogavé
October 23, 2009
October 22, 2009
Don't Think More Highly of Yourself Than You Ought
I wake up all the time in the middle of the night. I think I have sleep apnea. I also think it affects my mood and causes mood swings, anger, frustration, and other issues. It sucks. I'm trying to realize that and pray about it because it's causing issues in other areas of my life. Work, marriage, interactions with other people; they are all suffering because of this.
Sometimes I think about if we are still in the garden, sinless, and in the presence of God, walking with Him, talking with Him, enjoying His creation, would there be little issues like sleeping problems. Because sin is the root of all things bad, would I be going through this if there wasn't sin? Well, that's not even what Romans 12:3 is about but that's all I'm going to write on today, as the next set of verses talk about Spiritual gifts. That's a big section.
Romans12:3 tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought. Paul says, "For by the grace given to me..." He points out the fact that he was given grace from God and it's according to that grace the he preaches and teaches God's word with the authority he does. We must likewise think about ourselves with sober judgment basing it on the "measure of faith that God has assigned." Our importance is not to be thought of too highly because it is assigned by God. God is the one who deserve any glory.
So far I don't think I've done much to explain this verse, so let me write an example from my own life. I used to help with youth ministry and music at FBC Auburn. I began to think of my "service" as a really "spiritual" thing. And, although I did help some people, my focus was often on self glorification and being able to say I served God. I thought of myself as better than others who were not serving at all. The realization of this hit me recently, when I recognized that I don't serve now. I didn't always think of myself as better than others, there were times I had the proper attitude. And I desperately miss music ministry, but there's a fine line between arrogance and a proper attitude of service. Each person has their own way to serve too...but that's for next time.
Praise God for The Faith He's Given me.
Sometimes I think about if we are still in the garden, sinless, and in the presence of God, walking with Him, talking with Him, enjoying His creation, would there be little issues like sleeping problems. Because sin is the root of all things bad, would I be going through this if there wasn't sin? Well, that's not even what Romans 12:3 is about but that's all I'm going to write on today, as the next set of verses talk about Spiritual gifts. That's a big section.
Romans12:3 tells us not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought. Paul says, "For by the grace given to me..." He points out the fact that he was given grace from God and it's according to that grace the he preaches and teaches God's word with the authority he does. We must likewise think about ourselves with sober judgment basing it on the "measure of faith that God has assigned." Our importance is not to be thought of too highly because it is assigned by God. God is the one who deserve any glory.
So far I don't think I've done much to explain this verse, so let me write an example from my own life. I used to help with youth ministry and music at FBC Auburn. I began to think of my "service" as a really "spiritual" thing. And, although I did help some people, my focus was often on self glorification and being able to say I served God. I thought of myself as better than others who were not serving at all. The realization of this hit me recently, when I recognized that I don't serve now. I didn't always think of myself as better than others, there were times I had the proper attitude. And I desperately miss music ministry, but there's a fine line between arrogance and a proper attitude of service. Each person has their own way to serve too...but that's for next time.
Praise God for The Faith He's Given me.
October 21, 2009
Don't Be Conformed, Be Transformed
Romans 12:1-2 are pretty well known verses. They are verses that tell us something we should be doing; therefore, as humans we feel like it's something we can be doing to earn our salvation. But Paul is writing this just after 3 chapters about election. We must realize that these are not actions that we do to gain or earn our salvation. These are the things we should be doing because we were chosen, because we are so grateful to God that He saved us. "...by the mercies of God...present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, WHICH IS YOUR SPIRITUAL WORSHIP." This is how we worship the one who saved us.
Verse to goes on to tell us not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewal of our mind. "BY TESTING" we may discern what is the will of God. I think that may mean we are going to be tested by God, but also, we must look at the things in our lives on a continual basis and test them against God's word to see if they are in line with God's will. These things that are good, acceptable, and perfect. Although we can never be perfect in our sinful bodies, we can seek the things in our lives that are good, acceptable, and perfect and pursue them. Again, we must realize we are made to worship God. We are made to bring Him glory, praise, and honor.
Praise God Forever.
Praise God Forever.
Praise God Forever.
Verse to goes on to tell us not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewal of our mind. "BY TESTING" we may discern what is the will of God. I think that may mean we are going to be tested by God, but also, we must look at the things in our lives on a continual basis and test them against God's word to see if they are in line with God's will. These things that are good, acceptable, and perfect. Although we can never be perfect in our sinful bodies, we can seek the things in our lives that are good, acceptable, and perfect and pursue them. Again, we must realize we are made to worship God. We are made to bring Him glory, praise, and honor.
Praise God Forever.
Praise God Forever.
Praise God Forever.
October 20, 2009
Oh How Deep Are the Riches of God
First, Stuart Fraser preached on Romans chapter 9 and God's sovereignty. It was so great to hear him this past Sunday. The previous Sunday and this past one, Stuart preached Romans chapter 9 to a church that does have some people who are very passionate about the topic of election, arguing man's part in salvation. Stuart and I both read this passage to say God saves us through election. Nothing we can do can gain us salvation. Listen to Stuart here then here, to hear the sermon series.
Now, moving on with Romans 11:25-36. Paul continues to point out Israel's part in God's plan. He talks about the "partial hardening" of Israel which allows for Gentile's to become part of God's family. Israel is considered an enemy of the gospel, for the sake of the gentiles. But as for election, God chose the Jews as His people. Therefore they will be saved because of their forefathers. To both Jews and Gentiles, God's calling is irrevocable. His mercy saves us DESPITE our disobedience.
Verses 33-36 are such a powerful passage about God. They are also a great song.
Oh how deep are the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways! "For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor?" "Or who has given a gift to Him that he might be repaid?" For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen.
Now, moving on with Romans 11:25-36. Paul continues to point out Israel's part in God's plan. He talks about the "partial hardening" of Israel which allows for Gentile's to become part of God's family. Israel is considered an enemy of the gospel, for the sake of the gentiles. But as for election, God chose the Jews as His people. Therefore they will be saved because of their forefathers. To both Jews and Gentiles, God's calling is irrevocable. His mercy saves us DESPITE our disobedience.
Verses 33-36 are such a powerful passage about God. They are also a great song.
Oh how deep are the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and how inscrutable His ways! "For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been His counselor?" "Or who has given a gift to Him that he might be repaid?" For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen.
October 16, 2009
Hansen's Beverage Company Sucks
Calling all Monster Energy Drink drinkers: STOP drinking it. Calling all Hansen's Beverage Company patrons: STOP buying their products.
Don't buy anything from the Hansen's Beverage Company. They are going crazy with the lawyers, trying to scare a beverage review website into taking down a review and trying to tell a Vermont beer brewer to change the name of a beer. Monster Energy Drink vs. Vermonster. Oh yeah, I can see the confusion consumers are going to have. NOT! Beer is sold in a different location within the store to a different person wanting something different from their beverage.
I'm calling for a boycott, not because it directly affects me, but after seeing their attack on my favorite beverage review site, bevreview.com, I came across the second story about the brewer. It makes nme mad that a large corporation would go after a small brewer for something that is totally not a trademark infringement. And like the brewer says in the following video, it's just a huge expense, Hansens can afford and the Rock Art Brewery can't. Here's the brewer's story.
Read bevreview.com's story on their own site here or here at the Consumerist.
Read the brewer's story here and visit their website.
October 15, 2009
Dublin Dr. Pepper
So I heard about a Dr. Pepper made with real can sugar. The problem was, it is made in Texas and it super expensive to have shipped here (I looked into it). You can check out the site and history at http://dublindrpepper.com/. Then, Tech-Guy-Ted told me about a place in Auburn, CA that sells this Dr. Pepper. I called the place, called Joe Caribé, and they had them.
Although expensive, I was able to get a few bottles and taste this sugar cane version. It was so good. This version reminded me of the old days, when Dr. Pepper was my favorite soda. Even the "Nectar of Life", Mountain Dew, was below Dr. Pepper back then.
ANYWAY, Dr. Pepper needs to sell a sugar based version nationwide. Pepsi and Mountain Dew did it, and are doing it again, with their Throwback versions. It's time for a Dr. Pepper Throwback.
We Were Grafted In
Romans 11:13-24 is a difficult passage of imagery. Paul uses the picture of an olive tree with branches broken off and different branches grafted in. The original branches represent the Jews who rejected Christ. The grafted branches represent Gentiles added to the family of God because of their belief in Christ as their Savior.
I have to work on this later, since I have to go get ready for work.
I have to work on this later, since I have to go get ready for work.
October 14, 2009
Salvation To All To Make the Jews Jealous
My friend Stuart and I were talking while having breakfast yesterday. I found out he is preaching through Romans at his church, and we talked about grace, God's calling, and some other serious topics like hyper-Calvinism. We also talked about the fact that too often, many people "write off" the Jewish people because salvation has been revealed to gentiles too. Because of the Jew's reject of Christ, now gentiles have access to Christ. Romans 11:11-12 tells us that Gentiles are included in God's plan for salvation to make the Jews jealous. That is really great for us who are not Jews, but more importantly, it points to the fact that God still loves His chosen people.
Praise God for Salvation.
Praise God for Salvation.
October 11, 2009
Saab 9-5? Looks Like a Rebadged Audi A6
So the new Saab 9-5 looks like an Audi A6. And the A6 has had a similar look for over 10 years.
Here's a 1999 Audi A6.
And here's the beautiful 2009 Audi A6.
Hey Saab, try harder. I mean, I'm sure Audi is flattered that you want to be like them, but come up with your own look.

Pomplamoose and VideoSong
I'm obsessed. These two are so talented. Pomplamoose is their name, and they make something called a "VideoSong." In their words, "A VideoSong is a new Medium with two rules:
1. What you see is what you hear (no lip-syncing for instruments or voice).
2. If you hear it, at some point you see it (no hidden sounds)."
Beat the Horse by Pomplamoose is an example.
I think my first taste of something like this was a video editing guy I posted about a long time ago, here. The difference is these two are actual musicians, they record the tracks and then layer them. I think I thought they were doing a similar thing at first, but I realized Lasse in the video from 2007 was editing sounds together, and these two are editing layers or tracks together. Editing trick verses musical talent.
I need help with my music. I want to be at a level nearer this, not the messy sounding, tape recorder style junk I've got now.
Made famous by Nat King Cole.
There's more too but just go to their site.
Pepsi Natural is Going "Bye-Bye" and Other Marketing Stuff (A JTG Rant)

October 10, 2009
7000 Jews by Grace
Today, I finally get back to Romans chapter 11. I accidentally got myself out of order back in August. I jumped from chapter 10:5 to 11:5, so after today's entry, jump to here.
In Romans 11:1-6, Paul asks if God has rejected his people. And although the Jews did reject God, He did not rejected them. Paul points out the fact that he is a Jew, and God chose Paul to spread the word of Jesus death and resurrection, and spoke to both Jews and gentiles about their need for a Savior.
Paul, in verse 5 and 6, points to the fact that it's by God's grace that 7000 Jews were selected by God, when all others were killing God's prophets and destroying His alters. It's all by God's grace.
Praise God for His Grace
In Romans 11:1-6, Paul asks if God has rejected his people. And although the Jews did reject God, He did not rejected them. Paul points out the fact that he is a Jew, and God chose Paul to spread the word of Jesus death and resurrection, and spoke to both Jews and gentiles about their need for a Savior.
Paul, in verse 5 and 6, points to the fact that it's by God's grace that 7000 Jews were selected by God, when all others were killing God's prophets and destroying His alters. It's all by God's grace.
Praise God for His Grace
October 8, 2009
Make Jesus Lord
Romans 10:18-21 talk about the fact that the whole world has heard about God. Everyone needs a Savior, whether or not they confess that. My wife and I started talking about these passages and it caused me to re-read verse 9. "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is LORD..." He has to be Lord. You confess it, but the words are just words unless you believe it, allow it, and are conformed by it. "Even the demons believe - and shudder!" (James 2:19)
The word confess must mean something more than just "saying words". By confessing, you are admitting truth; you are admitting that Jesus IS Lord of your life. The passage does not say, "if you say Jesus is Lord," it says, "if you confess..." It is so important to make Jesus Lord.
There are a lot of excuses we make that lead us to lazy lives. And laziness can be a sign of being a lukewarm Christian. And a lukewarm Christian is spit out of the mouth of God, this means you are not saved. And, THAT IS SCARY to me. I've been so lukewarm (closer to cold) for to long. I need my butt kicked. I've even allowed myself to become depressed and miserable. These are not characteristics of a Christian. We have the grace of God in our lives. We have the hope of the free gift of God. And if Jesus is the Lord of our lives, all we do will be for His glory and therefore good. Sure, life will probably be harder; sin is so easy. But it will be worth it because it will feel good, bring joy, satisfy beyond understanding. If Jesus is Lord, you can take comfort in knowing all that comes your way is for His glory. And you can face down any challenge because Jesus is Lord, God is God, and they are on your side.
It is time for me to turn my life around. I need to do only things that are for the glory of God. Although it was easier when I was involved in church with music and youth ministries, there is an unsaved world that I work in and with; and there is an opportunity to be an example to these people. Forget the stresses of life. Work to please God and everything else will not matter. Don't work to please man. Don't live to bring glory to yourself. Live and breath for the purpose of glorifying God. John Piper says, "The chief end of man is to glorify God BY enjoying Him forever." I would say, by glorifying God, we will enjoy life better. Our lives will have meaning. Without a commitment to the glorification of God, there is no meaning for our existence. My wife said as an example, "Angelina Jolie is an atheist and probably thinks of herself as a good person because she donates millions of dollars to charities and is taking care of underprivileged kids." If it was for the glory of God it would mean something. Unfortunately, it's for the glory of Angie.
Praise God and Glorify Him Today. Make Jesus Lord.
The word confess must mean something more than just "saying words". By confessing, you are admitting truth; you are admitting that Jesus IS Lord of your life. The passage does not say, "if you say Jesus is Lord," it says, "if you confess..." It is so important to make Jesus Lord.
There are a lot of excuses we make that lead us to lazy lives. And laziness can be a sign of being a lukewarm Christian. And a lukewarm Christian is spit out of the mouth of God, this means you are not saved. And, THAT IS SCARY to me. I've been so lukewarm (closer to cold) for to long. I need my butt kicked. I've even allowed myself to become depressed and miserable. These are not characteristics of a Christian. We have the grace of God in our lives. We have the hope of the free gift of God. And if Jesus is the Lord of our lives, all we do will be for His glory and therefore good. Sure, life will probably be harder; sin is so easy. But it will be worth it because it will feel good, bring joy, satisfy beyond understanding. If Jesus is Lord, you can take comfort in knowing all that comes your way is for His glory. And you can face down any challenge because Jesus is Lord, God is God, and they are on your side.
It is time for me to turn my life around. I need to do only things that are for the glory of God. Although it was easier when I was involved in church with music and youth ministries, there is an unsaved world that I work in and with; and there is an opportunity to be an example to these people. Forget the stresses of life. Work to please God and everything else will not matter. Don't work to please man. Don't live to bring glory to yourself. Live and breath for the purpose of glorifying God. John Piper says, "The chief end of man is to glorify God BY enjoying Him forever." I would say, by glorifying God, we will enjoy life better. Our lives will have meaning. Without a commitment to the glorification of God, there is no meaning for our existence. My wife said as an example, "Angelina Jolie is an atheist and probably thinks of herself as a good person because she donates millions of dollars to charities and is taking care of underprivileged kids." If it was for the glory of God it would mean something. Unfortunately, it's for the glory of Angie.
Praise God and Glorify Him Today. Make Jesus Lord.
October 7, 2009
Faith Comes from Hearing, Through the Word
Romans 10:14-17 asks several questions. How do does one call on Him in whom they have not believed? How does one believe in whom they have not heard? And how does one hear without someone preaching? Verse 17 tells us that "faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ."
Here in the USA, we have such access to churches, Bibles, and other resources to hear and study the word of God. On a personal level we need to be working through studying the word of God, the Bible. Also, we need to be diligent to attend a local church to hear the word of God preached. This is a little more challenging, as it is easy to find a church but it is more difficult to find a preacher who actually preaches the word of God. It's important to find a Bible teaching church, one that goes verse by verse through a particular section so nothing is taken out of context. This is called expository preaching. Topical preaching, another style, can allow for too much opinion and misinterpretation of the a passage or verse.
Here in the USA, we have such access to churches, Bibles, and other resources to hear and study the word of God. On a personal level we need to be working through studying the word of God, the Bible. Also, we need to be diligent to attend a local church to hear the word of God preached. This is a little more challenging, as it is easy to find a church but it is more difficult to find a preacher who actually preaches the word of God. It's important to find a Bible teaching church, one that goes verse by verse through a particular section so nothing is taken out of context. This is called expository preaching. Topical preaching, another style, can allow for too much opinion and misinterpretation of the a passage or verse.
October 6, 2009
Confess and Believe and You Will Be Saved
Chapter 10:5-13 talks about the great hope anyone can have in Jesus Christ. And it's always been this way. Often, people think of the old testament as the time when people were saved by following a bunch of rules and preforming sacrifices. But even Moses wrote about righteousness based on the law verses righteousness based on faith. Those who base their righteousness on the law must live by the law, meaning a strict adherence to the law is required for salvation; and NO ONE can follow the law perfectly. But righteousness based on faith allows for verse 9. "...if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." And verses 12 and 13 tell us everyone who called on the name of the Lord will be saved, Jews and Gentiles.
Praise God for The Free Gift of Salvation.
Praise God for The Free Gift of Salvation.
October 5, 2009
Royal Red Robin Burger
This is such a good burger. It's the Red Robin "Royal Red Robin
Burger" and it is delicious. Burger, bacon, FRIED EGG!! So good people.
Burger" and it is delicious. Burger, bacon, FRIED EGG!! So good people.
The only thing missing is the Pepsi products they used to carry.
October 1, 2009
5 Weeks Off and Nothing
How wrong of me to not write on this blog these last almost 5 weeks off. I'm sad at my lack of blogging. I had a real chance to get this thing going strong and I never did. Boo on me.
September 29, 2009
All The Single Ladies....This is Better
I love these tricky editing and layering music videos. This one is great.
This one has crazy good harmony. Such a cool sound to this old song. Julie Andrews would be proud...I'm guessing.
September 28, 2009
How Does Dell Sell Anything?
September 27, 2009
The R's
Since the Scirocco is not coming to the USA, I'll take a VW Golf R.
September 26, 2009
The Perfect Crayon
One from Red Robin, one from BJ's Pizza. One round and one triangle. One rolls off the table, one does not. Good job BJ's. Good job.
September 25, 2009
2011 Ford Super Duty

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