There were some rumor floating around about VW working on a truck. Code named the "Robust", the mock-up photos of a VW truck were not great. One website posted this horrible picture:

It's possible the real pictures have now been leaked prior to the trucks suspected reveal at the Paris Auto Show. If these are real, they're pretty decent. It reminds me a little of the Honda Ridgeline, but I'm a VW lover so this one looks better to me. All that to say, there are no specs or a name for the truck. In fact, I'm still not sure this is the real deal.

I'm not really even looking for a VW pic-up as my next vehicle purchase, but it's fun to look at concepts and possible future vehicles.
Anyway, I found this one and a few more at
As a fellow VW lover, this is also interesting for me to see. Even though I do not need a truck!