During the Police Academy I was on a strict diet which included the exclusion (that wording just sounded funny to me so I left it in) of all soda. Along with no soda, I was eating a diet of whole grains, low fats, and a good balance of carbs and protein. My current diet is close to the same amount and types of foods but I've added soda back on the list of approved items. The difference now is, with the re-introduction of the "Nectar of Life" (a.k.a. Mountain Dew), I have heartburn.
Prior to the academy I had heartburn that was bad enough I almost sought medical attention for it. I was taking some sort of antacid everyday. During the academy, through all the stress and hard times I faced there, my heartburn all but disappeared. I believe it had to do with the absence of acids in soda. Now that I'm back on "the juice" I've started to suffer from heartburn again.
I have not done any research regarding the correlation between soda and heartburn, but I feel my heartburn is affected by the ingestion of this liquid heaven (Christian friends, please do not think I actually think Mountain Dew is anything close to heaven). I originally thought the reduction in heartburn was due to weight loss but I have not returned to my pre-academy weight. I am still about 200lbs, down almost 30lbs from before the academy training.
This post is mainly to inquire as to anyone's thoughts on this. Can soda give heartburn? Can this desirable beverage, in fact, produce a downward spiral into heartburn hell? (Again, Christian friends please don't think that I believe heartburn is anything like the pain and suffering Hell will offer non-believers) Please post your comments regarding your opinion of soda and heartburn. Do you think soda can cause heartburn? What can I do to enjoy my Mountain Dew and not have the heartburn?
By the way, I had pizza for dinner tonight. Is it from the pizza? Probably both.